Getting to the Top Can Be Difficult
Enjoy 24/7 SEO assistance from the world’s leading experts, the top software, and latest news to get you ranking on the search engine.
Introducing the SEO Trailhead
With a massive increase in SEO solutions, small businesses are still left in the dust on what tool is best for their business and how to start. Our conversations with clients led us to consolidate knowledge from some of the top tools and voices in the industry into an accessible and simplified SEO assistant to empower DIY SEO.
The SEO Trailhead is built for the schedule and budget of solopreneurs and SMEs, without sacrificing quality and results of an SEO consultant.
How The SEO Trailhead Works
The Step by Step Process:
Log in to your account on chathamoaks.co.
Leave the tab open during your workday.
Ask it questions throughout your day and get actionable answers sourced from the leading sources in the SEO industry.
Apply the SEO Trailhead answers to your website, marketing strategies, etc.
Use our partner SEMRUSH to check your progress on traffic, keywords, errors and more.
We combine knowledge bases and information from 6 of the leading SEO software brands, 8 of the top website builders, 14 common SEO tools and over 50 of the top SEO voices into one tool.
The SEO Trailhead is trained to walk you through essential SEO strategies and concepts with an emphasis on simplicity.
Work on your time and within your budget. Get the information that fits your business. Achieve the traffic results you deserve.
A Brief SEO Trailhead Demo
See how it works and some of the most common beginner SEO questions answered.
Compared to Other SEO Solutions
Major SEO Tools
SEO Tools give you a lot of data. If you’re new to SEO concepts and strategies, it could be information overload. SEO Trailhead gives you info based on what your looking for or can walk you through what you should be looking for (even on the Major SEO Tools below!).
AI SEO Tools
Other AI tools are built into your website. Connecting these tools can result in major site settings changes and inaccurate “helpful” tips to try and get optimization to 100%. SEO Trailhead focuses on location, industry, and expert best practices without making major changes to your site.
SEO Consultants
SEO consultants can give you the right advice for your business’ nuances and simplify the SEO process for you, but they can be costly. SEO Trailhead gives you SEO consultant expertise that fits within your business budget without scheduling consultations.
If you would rather not take care of the SEO yourself, check out the TREK.